WELCOME .... i am moving into this new blog space to begin my year 2023 with renewed focus and energy for my arts practice and new lifestyle. blackfish are an endangered species of fish in the rivulet that runs through our new property at Turners Beach in Tasmania. A pocket of paradise (truly) just 6 minutes from Ulverstone and 15 minutes from Devonport where we moved from. After 12 years we moved from the Port to 25 acres of a mix of pasture and native bush, gum trees as tall as the sky, plovers, wallabies, a variety of birds and Claytons rivulet that runs through the entire property. I have been exploring abstraction in my art for the past 18 months and will continue on that journey as well as talking about my whole arts practice. This includes collage, assemblage, poetry, textiles, handmade books and more. It feels nice to start this new blog at Christmas time 2022 during a time of preparing for a new year, thinking about things to focus on, projects to plan, calendars to set ...