A late lunch after spending some time in the garden, the vegetable patch and a full morning for me in the studio. Roast pork, potatoes, homity pie and lettuce and tomatoes.
The plastic bag on the table is to take down to #Snowcone after we finish ours. She gets the outer leaves of vegetables out of the patch and tomatoe tops, potato skins and other kitchen scraps.
#Snowcone is quite the feature on our youtube channel. She is such a sweet natured dairy cow, now in retirement; my first experience with such a thing, at close quarters. When we feed her hay and pellets and I take down kitchen scrap snacks every couple of days to her, she is surrounded by turbo chooks and Walter our one-eyed wallaby.
A couple of videos of #Snowcone below.
a lovely looking gum tree that was all of 4 inches high just a few weeks back - obviously happy in this environment that is full of gum trees (of a different variety to this one). This one looks to be quite showy with beautiful flowers attached to its gums and the leaf structure is different to the ones on the block.
yay ...this lovely japanese maple has returned .... day 1 it was planted and the wallabies striped it of its leaves ... i put the cage around it and watered and talked to it .... all good now by the looks of it. most pleasing.
the lovely belladonnas - a nice surprise when we arrived - they are jam-packed in there and the bulbs do need lifting and dividing which we talked about, a lot, and never got around to. hopefully this next season we will get to it - its on my TODO list. meantime those that are flowering look so lovely in this mass planting.
another yay ... we got the house number up ! (neaarly a year after moving in) after a big discussion about what to mount it on. (below)
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