it was so nice to see a pair arrive. we may be newly arrived at this property but the swallows had nests up under the eaves of the house, by the back door. lovely to see them come 'home'. and then there were 4 more! 3 fledglings were being fed on the washing line for around 3 days when all of a sudden there were 4.
there was a terrible moment for a few mornings when a crow was making a racket trying to get to their nest .... i chased it off for 3 mornings and then set up a screen to protect the little birds. i think the crow got the message - haven't seen him since.
this was taken a week or so ago and they are no longer dependent on mum - i see them flying as a group of 6 in the evenings catching bugs and they settle into their nest for the night. they pretty much disappear during the day - they must be in training and strengthening their wings in readiness for their long winter journey to ring in spring somewhere over the oceans.
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