A late lunch after spending some time in the garden, the vegetable patch and a full morning for me in the studio. Roast pork, potatoes, homity pie and lettuce and tomatoes. The plastic bag on the table is to take down to #Snowcone after we finish ours. She gets the outer leaves of vegetables out of the patch and tomatoe tops, potato skins and other kitchen scraps. #Snowcone is quite the feature on our youtube channel. She is such a sweet natured dairy cow, now in retirement; my first experience with such a thing, at close quarters. When we feed her hay and pellets and I take down kitchen scrap snacks every couple of days to her, she is surrounded by turbo chook s and Walter our one-eyed wallaby. A couple of videos of #Snowcone below. Happy with these plants recently planted in various placements on the front block. I am now getting confused with my norths and souths so, I know which is the eastern block but this one out front is being called the front block...