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Showing posts from February, 2023

LUNCH on a brilliant Tassie Summer Day + #Snowcone

A late lunch after spending some time in the garden, the vegetable patch and a full morning for me in the studio. Roast pork, potatoes, homity pie and lettuce and tomatoes.   The plastic bag on the table is to take down to #Snowcone after we finish ours. She gets the outer leaves of vegetables out of the patch and tomatoe tops, potato skins and other kitchen scraps.   #Snowcone is quite the feature on our youtube channel. She is such a sweet natured dairy cow, now in retirement; my first experience with such a thing, at close quarters. When we feed her hay and pellets and I take down kitchen scrap snacks every couple of days to her, she is surrounded by turbo chook s and Walter our one-eyed wallaby. A couple of videos of #Snowcone below. Happy with these plants recently planted in various placements on the front block. I am now getting confused with my norths and souths so, I know which is the eastern block but this one out front is being called the front block...

The Eastern Block

 At the edge of a forest of gum trees behind wattle trees along the creek line from where the sun rises you will find a set of gates and on an old carpet, 2 metal chairs with a table rusting. Another glorious summer, along with which comes a drying of the blocks of pasture. Soon, the rains will come and all will green up again - the nature of cycles. i have been uploading a stack of videos to my youtube channel - I am looking to extend the channel to include lifestyle, daily doings, #getaways in Tasmania and my arts practice. early days with lots of plans. do subscribe and like which all helps.

ANOTHER MODEST HAUL & Tonight's stitching

 I see our first modest haul was a week ago which i posted here and yesterday was our second modest haul ... such an odd looking carrot .... twas very very sweet but i think the soil was too hard? it didnt go deep and become a 'pretty' carrot ... it grew wide. (as if the ground didnt allow it to go deep?). any ideas ? The cabbages are being picked but here too (learning curve) ... i found a few were very small in comparison to the larger ones that grew and the little ones have a dusty kind of mould through the outer layers. the heart is good and # Snowcone gets the rest so all is not lost ... just a learning thing as we go along. Hoping to improve at it. and tonight's stiching

MIA - I havent seen this guy in ages

  This echidna came walking down the drive at the front of the house ... walked right by my feet ... when you see him go into a ball (at the 11 second mark) its because he hears the click of my camera ... you can hear it too if you listen. so many wonderful characters of wildlife here. such a joy to experience. Later in the same week i found him amongst the plantings in the turning circle.

Happy FIsh

this image of my goldfish - titled 6 seconds as that is the time it took as the fish was moving across the outdoor tank. more about the fish & image here I have 2 goldfish that have been with me for many years ... 'big red' has been around for nearly 20 years and Blondie about 12 years.  They live in an outdoor concrete tank - the tank, originally created for plantings but i plugged the hole and made it a space for the fish.   another one here of happy fish