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A Pocket of Paradise

 We are still in awe of discovering this 25 acres of mixed paddocks and native bush surrounded by gum trees and wattle trees. A rivulet (Claytons Rivulet) runs through the whole property with endangered species of bird, fish and small crayfish.

Exploring and discovering new (to us) species of flora and fauna while watching fledgling swallows learning to fly and feed as we hit summer and glorious hot days.

The grass is starting to turn brown in the heat and 6 months in we are yet to complete an outdoor area for the cats who are currently interned in the house. Second image on the right shows a peek at my new studio. A huge shed that looks like it could house an aeroplane is now filled with spaces that are my office, a painting area for acrylic, oils and pastels, a 'clean' area for book making and paper based artworks, an assemblage area and a space where textiles are laid out in readiness for stitching at night (back up at the house)


Bottom image : that beautiful coloured hydrangea is a huge bush outside the bedroom window that is a range of purples right down to a near black - all on the same bush as it ages in its flowering.

I hope you will stay with me on this journey and let me know what you think.



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